Monday, December 9, 2019

Health Through Flexibility And Resilience †Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Health Through Flexibility And Resilience? Answer: Introducation The foremost thing about social work is that it is all on the social front with which we deal in our day to day life situations. Working for society helps to develop sound relations between a group of people. However, in other professions like Banker deals with Finance management of each individual, doctor look after the cure and prevention of disease, lawyers look for having proof of different crime and provide justice but social work uniquely stands out to enhance the relationships between each individual by knowing their problems and providing appropriate solutions by visiting their home and sort out the various problems (Pollack, 2009). The social worker must be aware of different measures of dealing with social problems. He must be familiar with the factors that contribute to the quality of life of this universe. Few factor such as are pure air and water, hygienic provision of food and equal opportunities for job seekers (Pollack, 2009). The social worker should be capable of dealing with the social issues and must have strong networking to sort out the problem by providing the victim with the necessary resources. There is a various social problem which never let the individual fulfil their goal at first stoke of their efforts. To exemplify social problems, individuals are facing issues related to unemployment, racism, malnutrition and unequal opportunity in their countries. Other examples of social problems are substance abuse, employment discrimination, and child abuse. Some social problem affects the individual directly and indirectly. For instance, the drunk driver becomes the reason of accident that has not chosen the victims of the accident by race or colour but its all so randomly (MacEachen, Polzer Clarke, 2008). The children belong to the family of abusive parents often becomes the perpetrator of family violence as an adult. The roots of social work lie in various charitable organizations that stand out for helping people who are in need. Earlier social work was volunteer basis only, however, nowadays social work becomes a unique profession whose primary responsibility is to provide a helping hand to people in need and making improvements to their environments (MacEachen, Polzer Clarke, 2008). The social worker has a concern about both personal and public aspects of individuals.The personal aspects of the human such as moral values, emotions, and problem-solving attitude of people, whereas public aspects such as the neighbourhoods, schools, working conditions, social welfare systems, and political systems that affect each individual. In this way, social workers are able to provide a unique service to the people in need by taking care of their private and public aspects of problems (MacEachen, Polzer Clarke, 2008). The social worker has made their network circle with different organizations dealing with different professional so that their clients can easily avail required facilities like financial, medical, education services which help them to improve their present situation of living style. The basic duty of social worker is to provide a clear path out of the problem to their client so that client becomes self sufficient with help of social networking. Before choosing the field of social work, one must have basic skills to work effectively as a social worker. By human nature, there is always feeling of fear whenever an individual stands against some injustice happening around us but there is a social worker who is full of confidence and power to lead different social issues (Dwyer, 2005). As a student, I am in learning phase but I have different skills like good communication skills, leadership, problem solving, critical thinking, social networking and few of these skills I am trying to learn which are discussed as follows. I am sure to have these qualities as part of my personality to become social worker without any fear and vulnerabilities. Assessment Skills One should be able to recognize the individual who is needy and requires resources to overcome their social problem and it is strictly instructed to assess the client at different parameters to evaluate that whether the resources are still required or not (Pollack, 2008). Communication Skills Communication being a social worker must be clear and concise as it requires oral and written communication with clients (Dwyer, 2005).To exemplifies, social workers must communicate effectively with higher officials to demand required funding for the social cause. Counsellor and Leadership Social workers need to counsel their clients usually so they require the qualities of a good advocate for the presentation of client social issues that lead to positive development in resolving the social problems. Problem Solving Skills One of the important skills that the social workers must have is their ability to solve the problem analytically with fewer resources and limited budget. Critical Thinking Skills Critical thinking is all about looking for a solution to social problem along with broad minded attitude and making use of information and knowledge that reflect their education. Documentation Skills Each and every aspect of social issues must be recorded in a sequential manner corresponding to each client.For this record maintenance, the social worker needs to do proper documentation of all documents that represent cause and solution to social problems (Pollack, 2008). As a role of social worker, there must be a clear understanding of the human relationships. Social workers are able to help their client as if they have good human relationships across different fields of profession. They can support their client by developing a positive attitude in them, by letting them free from any kind of fear, by motivating them to create a social circle. In this way, I am able to develop a positive circle around me so that I have knowledge and information on different issues (Pollack, 2008). By knowing the details of various social causes and problem, one must be able to resolve it with the help of individuals in the network. In this way, social worker acts as a catalyst for providing better living conditions to their client. Accounting, for positive results, the client must have trust on their respective social worker or team so that client feels comfortable in sharing their problem related issues and feelings attached to each and every aspect of the problem ( Pollack, 2008). In other words, the social worker is able to provide a safe environment to their client to resolve the social problem. References Dwyer, S. (2005). The role of the social worker.Psychiatry,4(2), 95-97. MacEachen, E., Polzer, J., Clarke, J. (2008). You are free to set your own hours: Governing worker productivity and healthcare through flexibility and resilience.Social Science Medicine,66(5), 1019-1033. Pollack, D. (2008). International legal note: Social work comes to the small screen.International Social Work,51(6), 841-846. Pollack, D. (2009). Legal risk, accountability and transparency in social work.International Social Work,52(6), 837-842.

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