Thursday, February 20, 2020

For and Against Criminal Justice Management Essay

For and Against Criminal Justice Management - Essay Example For and Against Criminal Justice Management In any species, whether among humans or lesser developed genus like mammals, reptiles, birds, and even insects, communication is seen as an essential component for survival and growth. The subject of the group discussion is criminal justice management (overview). â€Å"In its broadest terms, criminal justice management is defined as the management, supervision, and overseeing of the criminal justice system. The criminal justice system covers a broad range of areas of justice. It includes police departments, federal agencies, state agencies, the courts, and correctional facilities† (Strayer University 2011) The successful discussion will be referred to as Discussion A, and the unsuccessful one as Discussion B. The writer of this paper was the leader in Discussion A while remaining a participant in the other one. Welcome and thank you for agreeing to participate in this discussion. You are all aware (in different ways) about increasing crime rates in the country. But instead of just punishing the criminals, it is felt that a management system be effectively implemented so that criminals have a chance to get back into the mainstream society and also to prevent individuals with criminal intent (for whatever reasons) not to indulge in such activities. Before moving on to the actual discussion, let me just outline the roles to be played by each member. The three golden rules are listen to the speaker without any bias, not to whisper or talk to the person sitting next to you (for example, conspiring), and when required speak out your mind sincerely and boldly (Bulatao, 1999, 4). There are other do’s and don’ts that need to be followed (Ganguly, 2002). and I shall be strict with these guidelines. Intervention will be necessary if the discussion turns hostile or goes outside the topic. Do not go on repeating what you have once already said and please be sure that you have some facts and figures to back up your points. Participation and reciprocation and important and last but not least, be polite enough to thank the listeners at the beginning and end of your opinions. Being loud and aggressive will not be tolerated, and do not interrupt a person while he is speaking. Irrelevant questions, being depreciative, and exhibiting of emotional outbursts is not a accepted norm in group discussions. If you find another speaker putting across views in a better way, do not get nervous- either accept them or put across lucid and valid arguments as the case may be. I apologize for this long introduction, but hope I have made my points clear? The group as a whole – Yes Leader- Shall we then begin, ladies and gentlemen? Who shall speak first, how about you Ms D? Ms D – Okay. I feel that there are not enough policemen to control crime, especially by immigrants and b lacks in the country. Mr B – I object to that comment. Do you have any figures or even reasons for such a statement? Mr A – No. I am just stating from the information from the media. (The group members begin to talk themselves regarding this matter) Leader – Ladies and gentlemen, please, we are moving away from the core issue of the discussion. You have already forgotten what I

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