Friday, January 3, 2020

Keeping Marijuana Illegal - 2777 Words

Keeping Marijuana Illegal 1 Why Marijuana Should Remain Illegal Keeping Marijuana Illegal 2 Why Marijuana Should Remain Illegal Marijuana is proven to contain more than 400 chemicals. Throughout time, it has been used to eliminate pain. Marijuana became illegal in the 1930s when it became known as an intoxicant drug and a dangerous narcotic. Along with becoming illegal came the restrictions of growth, sales, and consumption. Marijuana has many negative side effects mental and physical. Marijuana has been used by millions of people who continually use it on a regular basis even though it is illegal. This essay will describe and analyze what marijuana is, how it affects the†¦show more content†¦When smoking this drug, the THC goes directly to the lungs in which it is absorbed by alveoli. Alveoli is where gas exchange happens by tiny air sacs. THC enters the blood stream in just a matter of seconds of using this drug. When eating or drinking marijuana, it enters the stomach and is carried to the liver in which it is then sent to the rest of the body. Eating marijuana is less effective than smoking; however the effects of the drug stay in the body for twice as long. Even though this drug leaves the body quicker when smoked rather than eaten, this drug is still dangerous. How dangerous is marijuana? The initial effects of the chemical, â€Å"THC† in marijuana wears off in a few hours, but the chemicals stay in the body for a longer period of time. These chemicals can last from 20 hours to 10 days, depending on the amount and potency in the drug used. Marijuana has many negative long-term and short-term effects on the body. â€Å"Long-term effects can consist of cancer, memory loss, brain damage, breathing problems, reduced blood flow to the brain as well as a change inthe reproductive organs and the immune system† (NIDA). The short-term effects can consist of decreased coordination, memory loss, tremors, nausea, headaches, increased appetite, slowed reaction time and slowed decision making. According to the (United States Drug Enforcement Agency) marijuana use has been known to cause heartShow MoreRelatedSpeech on Marijuana Legalization1123 Words   |  5 Pagesin the USA is that of the legalization of marijuana. This controversial topic is on the minds of our entire country. Whether or not to legalize marijuana has been a nation wide debate for years. In this informative speech I will be discussing only facts and opinions. Opinions and facts will come from organizations such as The National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, Marijuana Legalization Organization and the Drug Policy Alliance. 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