Monday, January 27, 2020

Preventing Animal Abuse

Preventing Animal Abuse 1. Introduction Animal abuse is the form of mistreatment of animal that is often falls into three  categories: neglect, intentionally and unintentionally. Firstly, failure to give  daily necessities to the animal such as food would be classified as neglect. Next,  for intentionally, these people abuse animal for entertainment purposes to earn  their daily expenses or for their own excitement and enjoyment. Some may even  inflict harm on the animal in order to feel more superior or gain control. Lastly,  for unintentionally, these people do not know what the correct ways to treat  animal or they do know that they were actually mistreating the animal. For  instance they felt that there is a need to beat their pets in order to discipline  them. (OntarioSPCA 2009). This report will show that animal abuse is not right hence the purpose of this report is to educate people the various measures preventing or minimising animal abuse. It also cover the different organizations that stop and prevent  animal abuse. 2. Reason to stop animal abuse Research in psychology and criminology shows that people who commit an act  of cruelty towards an animal don’t stop there. They are at a higher risk and  chance to commit property crime compared to those who do not have any  history of animal abuse (Goleman, 1991). Hence it is very important to stop  animal abuse so that crime rates will not further increase in the future. For  example there was an article stating that Carroll Edward Cole was a serial killer  had murdered as many as 35 women in the 1970s, and was executed in 1985. His first violent act was strangling a puppy (Newton, 2001). Eric Harris and  Dylan Klebod the Columbian High School shooters had bragged to friends  about injuring animals before murdering a total of 12 students and one teacher. On top of that, they set a bomb which could have wiped out 600 people (Cullen,  2004). Furthermore, the number of cases for animal abuse has increased to more  than 65% for the past five years, not to mention that it is wrong for people to abuse others especially animals who cannot even speak or defend for  themselves (Degenhardt, 2005). 3. Measures to stop animal abuse There are a few measures that can be taken to stop animal abuse. First of all,  schools must educate the younger ones the right way to treat animals as it is  important for people to have the right mentality towards how to treat animals  from young. School can do so by conducting lessons and invite organization  like SPCA to conduct talks about animal abuse (Drake, 2010). Empathize that  animal abuse is consider a crime in Singapore which people can be jailed up to  a year or fined ten thousand dollars or both (Tan, 2014).Next, the government  can also stiffen the penalties of animal abuse. With that, people will most likely  not repeat the same mistake as people do not want to experience the strict  penalties (Kim, 2010). Last but not least, before individual or family buy or  adopt a pets, they must think whether they are financially stable enough to own  a pet so that they will be able to provide their pets with daily necessities like  food. Furthermore, ow ning a pet need a lot of commitment, for instance owning  a puppy will need to have a commitment of 10 years or so. They need to think  whether they are mentally prepare to own a pets or it will lead to the neglecting  of animals and that is a form of animal abuse (ASPCA, n.d). 4. Organization that prevent animal abuse There have been different organization against the idea of animal abuse and  took measures to prevent it from happening. Some of the organizations are â€Å"The  American Society for the Prevention of Animal Cruelty (ASPCA), Cats Welfare  Society (CWS) and Animal Concern Research Education Society (ACRES). These organization help to spread and inspire people around the world to stop  animal abuse through the internet and campaign. 4.1. American Society for the Prevention of Animal Cruelty (ASPCA) The American Society for the Prevention of Animal Cruelty (ASPCA) is the  first humane organisation in the Western Hemisphere. The ASPCA work  nationally to help animals from being abused, pass humane laws and share  resources with many shelter across the world. They operate in many  programme areas, such as Anti-Cruelty, Animal Health Service, Community  Outreach and Government Relationship. They help to legislate animal cruelty  laws by lobbying for stronger humane legislation nationwide (ASPCA, n.d). 4.2. Cat Welfare Society (CWS) The Cat Welfare Society (CWS) aims to promote a humane, responsible and  informed society in Singapore so that cat can be treated responsibility. They  actively promote sterilisation as a personal responsibility of cat owners to  prevent further population to increase instead of destruction. For instance  records have been showing that 13,000 community cats were put down every  year, and the root cause of the problem is that there were too many cats being  born. The CSW also work closely with all the Town Council, Housing  Development Board, National Environment Agency and Agri-food   Veterinary Authority of Singapore to resolve cat issues humanely. (CWS, n.d). 4.3. Animal Concern Research Education Society (ACRES) Animal Concern Research Education Society (ACRES) wanted to create a  world where animals are treated with compassion and respect and to improve  the living condition and welfare of animals in captivity. They also educate  people and the public to promote actively community involvement in the animal  protection movement. Furthermore they also strive towards synergistic  partnership with authorities and relative parties (Schweitzer, 2009). 5. Conclusion In conclusion, organizations and society have already started to take action  against animal abuse as research have shown that animal abuse have brought  about a negative impact to the people. Hence I think that animal abuse is wrong  and should be stop and prevented so that the number of case will not increase  any further. References: ASPCA (n.d), Programs and Service Retrieved from: Cullen (2004), The Depressive and the Psychopath Retrieved from: CWS (n.d), Our Mission Retrieved from: Drake (2010), The Answer to Preventing Animal Abuse: Humane Education? Retrieved from: Goleman (1991), Animal Cruelty May Be A Warning Retrieved from: Newton (2001), Carroll Edward Cole Fact, Retrieved from: OntarioSPCA (2009), What is Animal Cruelty, Retrieved from: Schweitzer (n.d), The Importance of Humane Education Retrieved from: Tan (2014), Penalty of Animal Abuse, Retrieved from:

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